27. 05. 2024 to 30. 05. 2024
08:00 to 15:00
University of Murcia
Faculty of health sciences

University of Murcia will host a workshop with intensive training and exchange of expertise in healthcare as a part of “Care4Health: Building the Healthcare Worker of Tomorrow” project. Designed as a 5-day long intensive training for professors, lecturers, postgraduate training assistants and trainers on developing professional, green, and digital competence in healthcare, it will serve to increase knowledge of 14 educators.

The University of Murcia's staff will provide training on evidence-based practice and the incorporation of research, clinical experience, and patient preferences into decision-making. The University of Udine is part of a large regional healthcare system, and its staff will provide training on the development of healthcare workers' soft skills, in particular skillful communication with the public and individual patients. The Western Friuli Health Authority will focus on developing participants' knowledge and competences in inter-professional cooperation and collaborative practice. Jamk University's staff will share its expertise in digital safety, while the University of Maribor will provide training on tools and methodologies needed to develop digital curricula, learning and teaching materials and practical assessments for blended teaching. The Angela Buskin Faculty of Health Care's staff will provide training on green health and environmental sustainability, including the impact of environmental degradation on healthcare systems.

The project Care4Health: Building the Healthcare Worker of Tomorrow is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

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